
zero-dependency library for exporting object arrays to Excel XLS and CSV.

Installation 🚀

Clone or download the Github repo or via npm:
npm install xlsexport

Usage 👩‍🔧

xlsExport is defined as a class, and has to be instantiated with data (objects array) and an optional title.
var xls = new XlsExport([..., Object], String);
Since Chromium(v61) supports ES6 Modules, XlsExport is available with 'import' syntax 😎. For older browsers I also include an ES5 version inside the package.

Methods 📖

  • exportToXLS(String fileName): convert data and force download of a Excel XLS file.
  • exportToCSV(String fileName): convert data separate by semi-colons and force download of a CSV file.
fileName parameter is optional, if it's not defined, the file will be named "export.xls".

Example 🛫

import XlsExport from './xls-export.js';

var xls = new XlsExport([..., Object], String);

Todo ✅

  • Support for node.js
  • Support for more formats: .ods, enchance .xls, ...